I mentioned it in QTBUG-124760 but qt3d is also affected.
Some files in the assimp 3rdparty module cannot be redistributed because of unknown or dubious licenses (and political statements in a couple ones).
The whole test/models-nonbsd folder must be dropped.
Copy/paste from the README.txt file in this folder:
These models are not generally redistributable under the terms of Assimp's BSD license. Usually, an additional requirement on the use of the data is imposed (i.e. no commercial use, need credits, some creative commons variants, ...). So, if you re-package Assimp for use in a 'clean' OSS package, consider removing this directory.
Issue Links
- resulted in
QTBUG-128939 [REG 6.8.0 RC snapshot -> 6.8.0 RC snapshot] Unredistributable files in qt3d
- Closed