Resolution: Unresolved
P2: Important
5.15.14 VxWorks
I am using dumpcpp.exe to load the mstscax.dll control, but the generated .h file is missing some structures, causing my project to fail compilation.
To address this, I used the command
echo '#import "mstscax.dll" named_guids' > import.cpp
cl.exe /c /nologo .\import.cpp
midl.exe .\mstscax.idl /header mstscax.h /iid mstscax_i.c
to obtain the mstscax.idl file, then compiled it to obtain TYPELIB using .
Afterward, when I regenerated the .h file using dumpcpp.exe, I found the following issues upon comparison with mstscax.idl:
1. In the IDL file, typedef [public] declarations of structs and enums are all using their original names. For example:
typedef [public] _MIDL__MIDL_itf_mstsax_0000_0058_0001 RemoteProgramResult;
The resulting .h file retains the name _MIDL__MIDL_itf_mstsax_0000_0058_0001, and this name is also used in interface functions as RemoteProgramResult.
The content in my attachment:
midl.exe .\mstscax.idl /header mstscax.h /iid mstscax_i.c
output: -> mstscax.h & mstscax_i.c & mstscax.tlb
dumpcpp.exe mstscax.tlb
output: -> mstsclib.h & mstsclib.cpp
If you need to know more details, please contact me.