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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-125524

QQC2 SpinBox textFromValue not called when dependent values change



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • 6.7
    • Quick: Controls 2
    • None
    • All


      The below is basically one of the customised SpinBox examples from the documentation, with the exception that the custom suffix value is bound to an editable TextField. The point of this is to demonstrate that if values which textFromValue reference change, then it is not automatically called to refresh the display. (This is presumably by design as if it was meant that the textFromValue property was to be re-evaluated automatically, it would be a QQmlExpression or some such instead of a QJSValue.) Anyway, the issue is less so that textFromValue isn't automatically called (I'm not even sure it's possible to fix that without a redesign?), but that when you know that changes have occurred that mean a call to textFromValue is necessary, there isn't an obvious or clean way to force an update.

      import QtQuick
      import QtQuick.Controls
      Window {
          width: 640
          height: 480
          visible: true
          Column {
              spacing: 10
              anchors.centerIn: parent
              TextField {
                  id: suffixTextInput
                  text: "m"
              SpinBox {
                  id: spinBox
                  from: 0
                  value: 11
                  to: 100
                  editable: true
                  property string prefix: "L="
                  property string suffix: suffixTextInput.text
                  validator: RegularExpressionValidator { regularExpression: /\D*(-?\d*\.?\d*)\D*/ }
                  textFromValue: function(value, locale) {
                      return prefix + Number(value).toLocaleString(locale, 'f', 0) + suffix
                  valueFromText: function(text, locale) {
                      let re = /\D*(-?\d*\.?\d*)\D*/
                      return Number.fromLocaleString(locale, re.exec(text)[1])
                  function forceTextFromValueUpdateHack() {
                      let actualLocaleName = locale.name;
                      locale = Qt.locale("C");
                      locale = Qt.locale(actualLocaleName);
              Button {
                  text: "Force Update"
                  onClicked: { spinBox.forceTextFromValueUpdateHack(); }

      You'll notice there is also a button which calls forceTextFromValueUpdateHack, which as its name implies, is a hack to force an update, capitalising on the fact that QQuickSpinBox::localeChange calls updateDisplayText. Ultimately what I'm asking for is a Q_INVOKABLE update/refresh function on QQuickSpinBox, which calls updateDisplayText, without having to resort to the above hack.


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