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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-126203

[darwin] MediaPlayer does not always take into account the selected audio output device



    • macOS
    • cf092077e (dev), afd504142 (6.8), 53215b6d0 (6.7), 048a7e3eb (tqtc/lts-6.5)
    • Multimedia Next


      MediaPlayer does not take into account the selected audio output device if it was set immediately before playback started.
      Can be reproduced with "darwin" multimedia backend.

      Sample code:

      import QtQuick
      import QtQuick.Controls
      import QtQuick.Layouts
      import QtMultimedia
      Window {
          width: 640
          height: 480
          visible: true
          RowLayout {
              ComboBox {
                  id: devicesList
                  Layout.preferredWidth: 200
                  textRole: "text"
                  valueRole: "value"
                  model: {
                      const defaultDevice = devices.defaultAudioOutput
                      let deviceNames = [{text: 'Default (%1)'.arg(defaultDevice.description), value: defaultDevice}]
                      for (let device of devices.audioOutputs)
                          deviceNames.push({text: device.description, value: device})
                      return deviceNames
              Button {
                  text: playerLoader.active ? 'Stop' : 'Play'
                  onClicked: playerLoader.active = !playerLoader.active
              CheckBox {
                  id: inLoop
                  text: 'loop?'
          MediaDevices { id: devices }
          Loader {
              id: playerLoader
              active: false
              sourceComponent: MediaPlayer {
                  id: player
                  audioOutput: AudioOutput {
                      device: devicesList.currentValue
                      onDeviceChanged: console.log('Selected device:' + device)
                  autoPlay: true
                  loops: inLoop.checked ? MediaPlayer.Infinite : 1
                  source: 'nokia-tune.mp3'

      See full example audio_output.zip

      Steps to reproduce:
      1. Plug-in any headphones (I tried wired ones) to your Mac Book
      2. Run sample program
      3. Select an output device which is not currently default in the system
      4. Press "Play" button and check which device is playing audio

      Actual results: sound is always playing through the default audio output
      Expected results: sound is playing through the selected audio output


        1. audio_output.zip
          61 kB
          Vladimir Belyavsky
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