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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-126653

Weird implementation in QBarSet



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • P2: Important
    • 6.8
    • 6.7.2
    • Graphs: 2D
    • None
    • All
    • c2ea3b5f6 (dev), 08853c1db (6.8)


      Looking at the code of qbarset.cpp I am surprised by the following items:


      • QBarSet::QBarSet(const QString label, QObject *parent)

      It should read "const QString &label" I guess

      • void QBarSet::setLabel(const QString label)

      It should read "const QString &label" I guess

      • void QBarSet::append(const qreal value)

      "qreal value" should be enough

      • QBarSet &QBarSet::operator << (const qreal &value)

      "qreal value" should be enough

      • void QBarSet::insert(const int index, const qreal value)

      "int index" and "qreal value" should be enough

      • void QBarSet::remove(const int index, const int count)

      "int index" and "int count" should be enough

      • void QBarSet::replace(const int index, const qreal value)

      "int index" and "qreal value" should be enough

      • qreal QBarSet::at(const int index) const

      "int index" should be enough

      • qreal QBarSet::operator [](const int index) const{}

      "int index" should be enough

      • void QBarSet::setColor(QColor color)

      Is "const QColor& color" better, here?

      • void QBarSet::setBorderColor(QColor color)

      Is "const QColor& color" better, here?

      • void QBarSet::setLabelColor(QColor color)

      Is "const QColor& color" better, here?

      The previous remarks are also valid for QBarSetPrivate.

      In addition, the documentation of QBarSet mention two methods "setValues(QVariantList values)" and "QVariantList values()", that do not exist.

      Maybe all my remark should not be taken into account because I did not study the QtCharts code deeply but probably some of them are relevant.


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