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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-126797

Throw a warning when running EGLFS without access to the input files



    • Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • None
    • QPA: EGLFS, QPA: LinuxFB
    • None
    • Linux/Other display system


      Currently, QT does not warn about using EGLFS (or LinuxFB) without access to the input files (/dev/input/), the problem is that, when running an application that needs input to exit (for instance, KDE's Dolphin requiring to use Ctrl+Q to close the application), without having access to said files (Not being in the input group, or not having permissions to the files), the system locks up and the only way to solve it is to restart.


      A solution to this could be warning about using EGLFS without having access to /dev/input/, and potentially automatically enabling QT_QPA_ENABLE_TERMINAL_KEYBOARD, in order to allow the user to Ctrl+C out of the application, even if it can't control it.


      EDIT: The original solution I had for this problem, was to throw an error and crash the program, but my guess is that allowing you to run EGLFS without access to /dev/input/ is intentional.


      EDIT 2: My objective here is creating a session for a QT app, not running it inside another desktop.


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