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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-128161

Fix Windows ARM: Multimedia - crash in tst_QVideoFrameBackend



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • 6.7, 6.8, 6.9
    • Multimedia
    • None
    • Windows
    • c0570c34a (dev), c9bbcb3ea (dev)


      This test is moving under QSKIP (because crash cannot be blacklisted) and this ticket is created to fix and take it back into CI.


      Target: windows-11_22h2-arm64-msvc2022
      HealthCheck: https://testresults.qt.io/coin/integration/qt/qt5/tasks/nightly1723067102 Thu 8.8

      qt/qtmultimedia tests


      fail and crash - tst_qvideoframebackend:

      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: FAIL!  : tst_QVideoFrameBackend::testMediaFilesAreSupported() Compared values are not the same
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:    Actual   (m_mediaSelector.dumpErrors()): "\tqrc:/testdata/colors.mp4: Unable to start playing the media, codecs issues. Error [ResourceError Not available]\n\tqrc:/testdata/one_red_frame.mp4: Unable to start playing the media, codecs issues. Error [ResourceError Not available]\n"
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:    Expected ("")                          : 
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: C:\Users\qt\work\qt\qtmultimedia\tests\auto\integration\qvideoframebackend\tst_qvideoframebackend.cpp(110) : failure location
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: QWARN  : tst_QVideoFrameBackend::toImage_retainsThePreviousMappedState() Skipping test data with mediaplayer as the source cannot be open.
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: See the test case 'testMediaFilesAreSupported' for details
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: PASS   : tst_QVideoFrameBackend::toImage_retainsThePreviousMappedState(defaulFrame.notMapped)
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: PASS   : tst_QVideoFrameBackend::toImage_retainsThePreviousMappedState(defaulFrame.readOnly)
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: QWARN  : tst_QVideoFrameBackend::toImage_rendersUpdatedFrame_afterMappingInWriteModeAndModifying() Skipping test data with mediaplayer as the source cannot be open.
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: See the test case 'testMediaFilesAreSupported' for details
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: PASS   : tst_QVideoFrameBackend::toImage_rendersUpdatedFrame_afterMappingInWriteModeAndModifying(defaulFrame.writeOnly)
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: PASS   : tst_QVideoFrameBackend::toImage_rendersUpdatedFrame_afterMappingInWriteModeAndModifying(defaulFrame.readWrite)
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: QWARN  : tst_QVideoFrameBackend::toImage_returnsImage_whenCalledFromSeparateThreadAndWhileRenderingToWindow() Failed to create QVideoSink "Not available"
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: QWARN  : tst_QVideoFrameBackend::toImage_returnsImage_whenCalledFromSeparateThreadAndWhileRenderingToWindow() Failed to initialize QMediaPlayer "Not available"
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: A crash occurred in C:\Users\qt\work\qt\qtmultimedia_standalone_tests\tests\auto\integration\qvideoframebackend\tst_qvideoframebackend.exe.
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: While testing toImage_returnsImage_whenCalledFromSeparateThreadAndWhileRenderingToWindow
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: Function time: 55ms Total time: 107ms
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: 
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: Exception address: 0x00007FFA3F802214
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: Exception code   : 0xc0000005
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: Nearby symbol    : QUrl::operator=
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: 
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: Stack:
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: #  1: QTest::CrashHandler::WindowsFaultHandler::windowsFaultHandler() - 0x00007FFA40CD0970
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: #  2: UnhandledExceptionFilter() - 0x00007FFA7FE528E0
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: #  3: RtlWow64LogMessageInEventLogger() - 0x00007FFA84890F30
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: #  4: TpWorkOnBehalfSetTicket() - 0x00007FFA8483FDF0
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: 
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: qt-testrunner.py     INFO: Test process exited with code: 3221225477
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: qt-testrunner.py    ERROR: Failed to parse the XML log file: \Users\qt\work\testresults\tst_qvideoframebackend-1723080973198.xml
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: qt-testrunner.py    ERROR:     File Contents:
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: 
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: 
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     6.9.0
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     Qt 6.9.0 (arm64-little_endian-llp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by MSVC 2022)
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     6.9.0
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:       
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:    Actual   (m_mediaSelector.dumpErrors()): "\tqrc:/testdata/colors.mp4: Unable to start playing the media, codecs issues. Error [ResourceError Not available]\n\tqrc:/testdata/one_red_frame.mp4: Unable to start playing the media, codecs issues. Error [ResourceError Not available]\n"
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:    Expected ("")                          : ]]>
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: See the test case 'testMediaFilesAreSupported' for details]]>
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:       
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:       
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: See the test case 'testMediaFilesAreSupported' for details]]>
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:       
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:       
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:     
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: 
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: 
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: 
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: qt-testrunner.py    ERROR: exception:ParseError no element found: line 68, column 0
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: qt-testrunner.py    ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: qt-testrunner.py    ERROR: Full test run failed repeatedly, aborting!
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: CMake Error at tst_qvideoframebackendWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake:18 (message):
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   cmd /c \Users\qt\work\install\bin\qt-testrunner.py --
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   C:/Users/qt/work/qt/qtmultimedia_standalone_tests/tests/auto/integration/qvideoframebackend/tst_qvideoframebackend.exe
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39:   execution failed with exit code 3.
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: 
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39: 
      agent:2024/08/08 01:36:13 build.go:404: 39/48 Test #39: tst_qvideoframebackend ...........***Failed    1.66 sec


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              qtmultimediateam Qt Multimedia Team
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