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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-128165

Clipboard not work in remote mac through Screen Sharing



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • None
    • 6.5.4
    • None
    • macOS


      I connect to a remote mac through system tool Screen Sharing, and enable Use Clipboard Shared. When I copy text into QClipboard, and paste in VSCode in remote mac, it fails. I look into system clipboard through software "Pasteboard Viewer", and I found that when writing to system clipboard, Qt write text to "com.apple.traditional-mac-plain-text", and to "public.utf8-plain-text", but in remote mac, "public.utf8-plain-text" miss, and VSCode only paste from that, so it fails to paste. When I use other software to copy, such as system terminal and VSCode, they dont write to "com.apple.traditional-mac-plain-text", and in remote computer, "public.utf8-plain-text" dose not miss, and paste is successful. So, I think "com.apple.traditional-mac-plain-text" generated by Qt make paste fail.

      When I write OC demo:

        NSPasteboard *pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard];

        [pasteboard clearContents];

        [pasteboard writeObjects:@[@"Hello world"]];


      It only generate "public.utf8-plain-text" in system clipboard, and paste in remote computer succeed.

      I hope this info can help you.


        1. QtDemo-Local.png
          77 kB
          wenchang Wu
        2. QtDemo-Remote.png
          130 kB
          wenchang Wu
        3. VSCode-Local.png
          58 kB
          wenchang Wu
        4. VSCode-Remote.png
          142 kB
          wenchang Wu
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