Resolution: Unresolved
P2: Important
6.8.0 Beta4
Windows 10,Emscripten 3.1.56,Microsoft Edge 128.0.2739.42 Chrome 128.0.6613.84 ..
Hello, I use the patch from this jira card QTBUG-127494 ,I use the new code to play 3 videos at the same time, and I find that some videos often cannot be played, but occasionally they can be played successfully. The same phenomenon occurs when using Qt6.8.0 Bate4, Bate4 error log is as follows: videoError.log
A video can be played normally using 6.7.2, but a video may fail to play using the 6.8.0 Beta4 version.
Code is :
import QtQuick import QtMultimedia import QtQuick.Controls.Basic Window { width: 640 height: 480 visible: true component Player: VideoOutput { id: videoOutput property var vsource Button { text: player.playing ? "Stop" : "Play" onClicked: { if (player.source == '') player.source = "video.mp4" if (player.playing) player.stop() else } } MediaPlayer { id: player videoOutput: videoOutput source: videoOutput.vsource } } Column { anchors.fill: parent Player { width: parent.width height: parent.height / 3 vsource: "http://localhost/video/1080_1.mp4" } Player { width: parent.width height: parent.height / 3 vsource: "http://localhost/video/1080_2.mp4" } Player { width: parent.width height: parent.height / 3 vsource: "http://localhost/video/1080.mp4" } } }