Hi folks, me again!
Some mechanism of drag and drop elements doesn't seem to be working in 6.8. Not sure what the specific feature in use is, but see below for a reproducer
I've experienced it in the wild on the outlook web app (dragging mails to a folder and moving events in the calendar).
The symptoms are that the browser freezes up for a few seconds, then freezes up for a few more seconds if you still have the mouse held down, then when you release the element the move doesn't take effect.
I can reproduce on this demo:
On stdout I see WebContentsAdapter::updateDragAction was not called within 3000 ms.
I'm not on the latest commit of the 6.8 branch sorry, still on 3f4790463cc5 of the qt5 repo. I haven't been able to test newer builds because I keep getting Renderer process crashed (status 5), not sure if that is my build or something on the branch.