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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-128638

[Reg 6.7 -> 6.8] Crash when using live preview



    • d07c9071b (dev), 610b8a07b (6.8), ec7bbe7e4 (6.8.0)


      To reproduce this the design effects demo is required: https://git.qt.io/public-demos/qtdesign-studio/-/blob/master/examples/DesignEffectsDemo

      This is a regression against Qt 6.7.2.

      how to reproduce:

      Run the livepreview with CalculatorDemo.ui.qml from the command line:

      qmlpreview qml.exe -I "C:/Users/Thomas Hartmann/Documents/QtDesignStudio/examples/DesignEffectsDemo/imports" "C:/Users/Thomas Hartmann/Documents/QtDesignStudio/examples/DesignEffectsDemo/content/calculator/CalculatorDemo.ui.qml"

      stack trace:

       	Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlPrivate::AOTCompiledContext::loadSingletonLookup(unsigned int index, void * target) Line 2007	C++
       	[External Code]	
       	[Inline Frame] Qt6Qml.dll!QV4::Moth::VME::exec::__l2::<lambda_1>::operator()(void * *) Line 446	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QV4::coerceAndCall<AOTCompiledMetaMethod,`QV4::Moth::VME::exec'::`2'::<lambda_1>>(QV4::ExecutionEngine * engine, const AOTCompiledMetaMethod * typedFunction, void * * argv, const QMetaType * types, int argc, QV4::Moth::VME::exec::__l2::<lambda_1> call) Line 556	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QV4::Moth::VME::exec(QV4::MetaTypesStackFrame * frame, QV4::ExecutionEngine * engine) Line 431	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QV4::ArrowFunction::virtualCallWithMetaTypes(const QV4::FunctionObject * fo, QObject * thisObject, void * * a, const QMetaType * types, int argc) Line 507	C++
       	[Inline Frame] Qt6Qml.dll!QV4::FunctionObject::call(QObject *) Line 194	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlPrivate::AOTCompiledContext::callObjectPropertyLookup(unsigned int index, QObject * object, void * * args, const QMetaType * types, int argc) Line 1869	C++
       	[External Code]	
       	[Inline Frame] Qt6Qml.dll!QV4::Moth::VME::exec::__l2::<lambda_1>::operator()(void * *) Line 446	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QV4::coerceAndCall<AOTCompiledMetaMethod,`QV4::Moth::VME::exec'::`2'::<lambda_1>>(QV4::ExecutionEngine * engine, const AOTCompiledMetaMethod * typedFunction, void * * argv, const QMetaType * types, int argc, QV4::Moth::VME::exec::__l2::<lambda_1> call) Line 556	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QV4::Moth::VME::exec(QV4::MetaTypesStackFrame * frame, QV4::ExecutionEngine * engine) Line 431	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QV4::Function::call(QObject * thisObject, void * * a, const QMetaType * types, int argc, QV4::ExecutionContext * context) Line 37	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlJavaScriptExpression::evaluate(void * * a, const QMetaType * types, int argc) Line 270	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlBoundSignalExpression::evaluate(void * * a) Line 197	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlBoundSignal_callback(QQmlNotifierEndpoint * e, void * * a) Line 316	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlNotifier::emitNotify(QQmlNotifierEndpoint * endpoint, void * * a) Line 71	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlData::signalEmitted(QAbstractDeclarativeData * __formal, QObject * object, int index, void * * a) Line 340	C++
       	Qt6Core.dll!doActivate<0>(QObject * sender, int signal_index, void * * argv) Line 4016	C++
       	Qt6Core.dll!QMetaObject::activate(QObject * sender, const QMetaObject * m, int local_signal_index, void * * argv) Line 4181	C++
       	[Inline Frame] Qt6Quick.dll!QQuickItem::xChanged() Line 1455	C++
       	[Inline Frame] Qt6Quick.dll!QQuickItemPrivate::xChanged() Line 583	C++
       	Qt6Quick.dll!QObjectCompatProperty<QQuickItemPrivate,double,&QQuickItemPrivate::_qt_property_x_offset,{QQuickItemPrivate::setX,0},{QQuickItemPrivate::xChanged,0},0>::notify() Line 689	C++
       	Qt6Quick.dll!QQuickItem::geometryChange(const QRectF & newGeometry, const QRectF & oldGeometry) Line 3917	C++
       	Qt6Quick.dll!QQuickItem::setX(double v) Line 7222	C++
       	Qt6Quick.dll!QQuickItem::qt_static_metacall(QObject * _o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void * * _a) Line 1232	C++
       	Qt6Quick.dll!QQuickItem::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void * * _a) Line 1314	C++
       	Qt6Quick.dll!QQuickImplicitSizeItem::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void * * _a) Line 130	C++
       	Qt6Quick.dll!QQuickText::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void * * _a) Line 1078	C++
       	[Inline Frame] Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlPropertyData::doMetacall(QObject * idx, int) Line 369	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlPropertyData::writeProperty(QObject * target, void * value, QFlags<enum QQmlPropertyData::WriteFlag> flags) Line 387	C++
       	[Inline Frame] Qt6Qml.dll!BindingFixer::{dtor}() Line 1351	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlPropertyPrivate::write(QObject * object, const QQmlPropertyData & property, const QVariant & value, const QQmlRefPointer<QQmlContextData> & context, QFlags<enum QQmlPropertyData::WriteFlag> flags) Line 1736	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlPropertyPrivate::writeValueProperty(QObject * object, const QQmlPropertyData & core, const QQmlPropertyData & valueTypeData, const QVariant & value, const QQmlRefPointer<QQmlContextData> & context, QFlags<enum QQmlPropertyData::WriteFlag> flags) Line 1312	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlPropertyPrivate::writeValueProperty(const QVariant & value, QFlags<enum QQmlPropertyData::WriteFlag> flags) Line 1250	C++
       	Qt6QuickTimeline.dll!QQuickKeyframeGroup::setProperty(double frame) Line 421	C++
       	[Inline Frame] Qt6QuickTimeline.dll!QQuickTimeline::reevaluate() Line 282	C++
       	Qt6QuickTimeline.dll!QQuickTimeline::setCurrentFrame(double frame) Line 271	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlPropertyData::writeProperty(QObject * target, void * value, QFlags<enum QQmlPropertyData::WriteFlag> flags) Line 385	C++
       	[Inline Frame] Qt6Qml.dll!BindingFixer::{dtor}() Line 1351	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlPropertyPrivate::write(QObject * object, const QQmlPropertyData & property, const QVariant & value, const QQmlRefPointer<QQmlContextData> & context, QFlags<enum QQmlPropertyData::WriteFlag> flags) Line 1736	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlPropertyPrivate::writeValueProperty(QObject * object, const QQmlPropertyData & core, const QQmlPropertyData & valueTypeData, const QVariant & value, const QQmlRefPointer<QQmlContextData> & context, QFlags<enum QQmlPropertyData::WriteFlag> flags) Line 1312	C++
       	Qt6Qml.dll!QQmlPropertyPrivate::writeValueProperty(const QVariant & value, QFlags<enum QQmlPropertyData::WriteFlag> flags) Line 1250	C++

      We see similar crashes with other examples, but this is the most simple one.


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              ulherman Ulf Hermann
              thohartm Thomas Hartmann
              2 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue



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