Resolution: Unresolved
P2: Important
Hi, I have a c++ class exposed to qml, which has signals with arguments of type "QPointF", "QRectF", "QColor", which according to the documentation should be automatically converted to qml types "point", "rect", "color". However, qmllint produces the following warnings:
[build] Warning: main.qml:58:13: Type QPointF of parameter aPanDirectionVector in signal called sigPanInDirection was not found, but is required to compile onSigPanInDirection. Did you add all import paths? [signal-handler-parameters] [build] onSigPanInDirection: aPanDirectionVector => root.scatterPlotModel.transformModel.gui_panInDirection(aPanDirectionVector) [build] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [build] Warning: main.qml:59:13: Type QRectF of parameter aSelectionArea in signal called sigSelectArea was not found, but is required to compile onSigSelectArea. Did you add all import paths? [signal-handler-parameters] [build] onSigSelectArea: (aSelectionArea, aSelectionMode) => root.scatterPlotModel.gui_selectArea(aSelectionArea, aSelectionMode) [build] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
c++ class:
class PlottingMouseInteractionsUIComponent : public QObject { Q_OBJECT QML_ELEMENT // ... signals: void sigZoomAtMousePosition(const QPointF& aMousePos, double aZoomScaleFactor); void sigPanInDirection(const QPointF& aPanDirectionVector); void sigSelectAtPosition(const QPointF& aMousePos, const PlottingSelectionMode aSelectionMode); void sigSelectArea(const QRectF& aSelectionArea, const PlottingSelectionMode aSelectionMode); };
Issue Links
- resulted from
QTBUG-118112 Create doc pages that explain how to fix qmllint/qmlsc warnings (take 2)
- Closed