Despite the fact we use default D3D11 RHI backend on Windows, I encountered several issues related to OpenGL context creation in our users' reports.
There are warnings:
Failed to load and resolve WGL/OpenGL functions
Failed to load opengl32sw (The specified module could not be found.)
And even crashes on some older GPUs with the following call stack:
... ig11icd64.pdb 0xbc9e2de9 + 77289 ntdll.pdb 0x35cdfc41 + 64577 opengl32.pdb 0x14bdca2f + 117295 opengl32.pdb 0x14cbb000 + 1028096 opengl32.pdb 0x14cbba90 + 1030800 opengl32.pdb 0x14bdcf40 + 118592 opengl32.pdb 0x14bdcad0 + 117456 opengl32.pdb 0x14bdd223 + 119331 ntdll.pdb 0x35cdfce8 + 64744 qwindows.pdb QWindowsGLContext::updateObtainedParams(HDC__ *,int *) qwindowsglcontext.cpp:1192 qwindows.pdb QWindowsGLContext::QWindowsGLContext(QOpenGLStaticContext *,QOpenGLContext *) qwindowsglcontext.cpp:1131 qwindows.pdb QWindowsIntegration::createPlatformOpenGLContext(QOpenGLContext *) qwindowsintegration.cpp:426 Qt6Gui.pdb QOpenGLContext::create() qopenglcontext.cpp:358 Qt6WebEngineCore.pdb QtWebEngineCore::initialize() qtwebenginecoreglobal.cpp:84 Qt6Core.pdb QCoreApplicationPrivate::init() qcoreapplication.cpp:919 Qt6Gui.pdb QGuiApplicationPrivate::init() qguiapplication.cpp:1580 Qt6Gui.pdb QGuiApplication::QGuiApplication(int &,char * *,int) qguiapplication.cpp:642
In both cases the call stack leads us to QtWebEngineCore::initialize().