Resolution: Fixed
P2: Important
We got feedback that `qmlls` formatting is slow in this bug report
I tested with both the `qmlformat` executable and the formatting in the vscode extension with `qmlls`
The `qmlformat` results are like below
> time /Users/orkun/Qt/6.7.2/macos/bin/qmlformat Main.qml --i
Executed in 65.20 millis fish external
usr time 43.54 millis 0.21 millis 43.34 millis
sys time 14.27 millis 1.54 millis 12.73 millis
I formatted the same file and recorded my screen because I couldn't find any tool to measure it. It seems like it takes between 1-2 seconds.
What could be the root cause of this? Do you think there is a way to improve it?
The test file is `Main.qml` in the calculator example. I copied some properties to make it big.