Resolution: Fixed
P3: Somewhat important
Firefox 131.0.2, Brave 1.69.168 (Chromium 128)
ef8bf4c2c (dev), 0c60d2c06 (6.8)
If you run this very basic Qt application in browser with WebAssembly, you'll notice that keyboard navigation is very unusable compared to running natively on desktop:
import QtQuick import QtQuick.Window import QtQuick.Layouts import QtQuick.Controls ApplicationWindow { id: root height: 150 visible: true width: 640 onActiveFocusControlChanged: { console.log("New focus: " + root.activeFocusControl); } component BounceAnim: SequentialAnimation { id: bounce_anim required property Item target // alwaysRunToEnd: true NumberAnimation { target: properties: "y" to: -40 duration: 100 easing.type: Easing.OutCubic } NumberAnimation { target: properties: "y" to: 0 duration: 300 easing.type: Easing.OutBounce } } Flickable { anchors.fill: parent contentWidth: column.width contentHeight: column.height clip: true ColumnLayout { id: column width: Math.max(300, root.width) height: Math.max(150, root.height) // padding: 20 spacing: 20 RowLayout { Layout.margins: 20 spacing: 40 Layout.fillWidth: true Label { text: "Path" } TextField { id: field Layout.fillWidth: true ok } } RowLayout { Layout.margins: 20 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignBottom Button { id: ok text: "OK" onClicked: { console.log("Hello!!! " + field.text); anim_ok.restart(); } BounceAnim { id: anim_ok target: ok } } Button { id: cancel text: "Cancel" onClicked: { console.log("Cancel!!!"); anim_cancel.restart(); } BounceAnim { id: anim_cancel target: cancel } } } } } }
Open the Console in browser's developer tool and play around this basic program.
Since ok is set for the TextField, I expect pressing Tab following by Space should click the OK button, but it does not. It seems to require an additional Tab press before Space can click the Button.
Further more, if I press Tab multiple times then occasionally the focus shifts to browser's own toolbar instead of following the natural order TextField -> OK -> Cancel.
Issue Links
- relates to
QTBUG-133781 Regression - Button clicks open keyboard in WebAssembly on Android
- Closed