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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-130872

Got an assert error "last < columnCount(parent)" when hidding the last column by using QSortFilterProxyModel,TreeModel(QAbstractItemModdel) and TreeView together in QML.



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • None
    • 6.7.2, 6.7.3, Some future release
    • None
    • Window 10
      Visual studio 2022
    • Windows


      Hello,I got an assert error "last < columnCount(parent)" when hiding the last column by overriding the function filterAcceptColumn of QSortFilterProxyModel.

      The impl of filterAcceptColumn below(Assuming there are two columns):

      bool MyProxyModel::filterAcceptsColumn(int SourceColumn, const QModelIndex& SourceParent) const

      {     return SourceColumn != 1; }

      This assert is reported in the function beginRemoveColumns of QSortFilterProxyModel.I checked my source tree model, and I am sure it is correct. This problem only appears when there is a parent-child relationship of data structure and column count is greater than 1.When using my source tree model with table structure data, it works right.

      Even though I used the tree model of official sample program ("editabletreemodel") in TreeView, proxy model still appears assert error "last < columnCount(parent)" when hiding the last column. It works right in QTreeView but TreeView.

       I thought this bug is most likely comes from the TreeView.

      Thanks for watching.



        1. image-2024-11-05-14-23-27-511.png
          33 kB
          Ricarsen Lee
        2. myproxymodel.cpp
          0.6 kB
          Ricarsen Lee
        3. myproxymodel.h
          0.5 kB
          Ricarsen Lee
        4. treeitem.cpp
          3 kB
          Ricarsen Lee
        5. treeitem.h
          0.9 kB
          Ricarsen Lee
        6. treemodel.cpp
          7 kB
          Ricarsen Lee
        7. treemodel.h
          2 kB
          Ricarsen Lee
        8. TreeView.qml
          6 kB
          Ricarsen Lee
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            dfaure_kdab David Faure
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