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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-130929

Android screenOrientation doest not work always



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • 6.8.0
    • QPA: Android
    • None
    • Android
    • 2024wk46s3FOQtforAndroid




      when I create new QtProject, generate AndroidManifest.xml and put android:screenOrientation="portrait" into activity, and run it on SDK34 emulator,

      on small screen emulator:

      it works fine, and when i try to rotate, it looks as expected:


      however when using emulator for tablets where screen is big:

      then unexpected rotation works:

       - here of course as I am clicking on buttons to rotate, then it rotates and content of app stays so its always readable for user (which is unexpected... when setting the manifest as set, then content should not flip and shoudl stay ALWAYS in portrait width/height)

      also (only in tablet) this trigger and prints to console as should not (phone does not trigger this change):

      property int screenOrientation: Screen.orientation
      onScreenOrientationChanged: console.log("ScreenOrientation:", screenOrientation)


      I search everywhere and it is NOT possile in manifest set orientation for different devices,

      its possible only programaticaly, therefore I think there is something wrong in Qt activity handling


      How to lock an Android apps orientation in Android Studio


        1. image-2024-11-06-15-44-06-328.png
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          Jiri Zaloudek
        2. image-2024-11-06-15-44-29-162.png
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          Jiri Zaloudek
        3. image-2024-11-06-15-54-36-886.png
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          Jiri Zaloudek
        4. image-2024-11-06-15-55-37-277.png
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          Jiri Zaloudek
        5. image-2024-11-06-15-57-21-437.png
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          Jiri Zaloudek
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