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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-130933

Top flaky test: tst_usertypes::complexInQml



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • dev
    • Remote Objects


      Test case: tst_usertypes::complexInQml has failed 10 times, crashed 0 and was flaky 13 times last week.

      The test has blocked around 10 Gerrit changes past week

      Coin log excerpt from failed run:
      agent:2024/11/04 23:25:31 build.go:404: QWARN : tst_usertypes::complexInQml(templated nullptr) qt.remoteobjects: QRemoteObjectSourceBase: Cannot replicate a NULL object "clock"
      agent:2024/11/04 23:25:31 build.go:404: QFATAL : tst_usertypes::complexInQml(templated nullptr) ASSERT: "connectionToSource" in file /Users/qt/work/qt/qtremoteobjects/src/remoteobjects/qremoteobjectreplica.cpp, line 480
      agent:2024/11/04 23:25:31 build.go:404: FAIL! : tst_usertypes::complexInQml(templated nullptr) Received a fatal error.
      agent:2024/11/04 23:25:31 build.go:404: Loc: [/Users/qt/work/qt/qtremoteobjects/src/remoteobjects/qremoteobjectreplica.cpp(480)]
      agent:2024/11/04 23:25:31 build.go:404: Totals: 9 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 2142ms
      agent:2024/11/04 23:25:31 build.go:404: ********* Finished testing of tst_usertypes *********
      agent:2024/11/04 23:25:31 build.go:404: Received signal 6 (SIGABRT)
      agent:2024/11/04 23:25:31 build.go:404: complexInQml function time: 833ms, total time: 2159ms
      agent:2024/11/04 23:25:31 build.go:404: === Stack trace ===
      agent:2024/11/04 23:25:31 build.go:404: (lldb) process attach --pid 1263
      agent:2024/11/04 23:25:31 build.go:404: warning: 'QtCore' contains a debug script. To run this script in this debug session:
      agent:2024/11/04 23:25:31 build.go:404: command script import "/Users/qt/work/install/lib/QtCore.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/Python/QtCore.py"
      agent:2024/11/04 23:25:31 build.go:404: To run all discovered debug scripts in this session:

      Full log at : coin log
      Statistics about test fails: link to grafana dashboard

      Information about the Qt test system: qt test execution information


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