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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-131131

Graphs3D related documentation bugs



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • 6.8.1, 6.9
    • 6.8
    • Graphs: 3D
    • None
    • All
    • a8cdc5e92 (dev), 16c9c1ebf (dev), 755d8246d (dev), 8e312d7cf (dev), 414222f4a (dev), b5756e2ae (6.8), d634166b1 (6.8), abf922771 (6.8), 839d5e563 (6.8), a42cd96bd (6.8), 57d5ff665 (6.8.1), c3e68c972 (6.8.1), 626d1c951 (6.8.1), de61ffec0 (6.8.1)


      • Bar3DSeries "invalidSelectionPosition" property should have read-only label if it's constant:

        According to the description "this position is set to the "selectedBar" property to clear the selection" - isn't it the other way around, i.e. the "selectedBar" property is set to the "invalidSelectionPosition" value to clear the selection?


      • Bars3D "labelMargin" property description typo:
      • Bars3D "optimizationHint" property description suggests there are 3 enum values in Graphs3D.OptimizationHint, whereas it seems there are 2 - "static" mention is excessive:

      • Bars3D "queriedGraphPosition" property missing read-only label:
      • Bars3D "scene" property missing read-only label:
      • Bars3D "selectedElement" property description missing read-only label:
      • Bars3D "selectedSeries" property missing read-only label:
      • Abstract3DAxis "titleFixed" property description - titles rotate towards camera when the property is set to false (which makes sense),  not true as suggested:
      • QScatter3DSeries (C++ section) detailed description example code uses tags that are not listed as supported for this type: Also, would be nice to have this information in the QML section of <...>3DSeries types under "itemLabelFormat" property description.
      • LogValue3DAxisFormatter "showEdgeLabels" property that can be found in the docs presents itself in the source code as "edgeLabelsVisible":

      • Bars3D "margin" property description typo:


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            tokorpip Tomi Korpipää
            bartoszrudzki Bartosz Rudzki
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