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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-13205

Improper tab is selected after tab is moved programmatically in the QTabWidget



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Out of scope
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • Some future release
    • 4.6.2
    • None
    • This bug has been verified on Fedora12 and Ubuntu 10.04, both 64-bit


      In a particular application, I have a QTabWidget that contains several tabs. Within one of those tabs is another QTabWidget whose tabs are re-orderable. Whenever a tab is moved in the QTabWidget, the tab order of the parent QTabWidget is supposed to be changed to reflect the state of the child QTabWidget.

      If a tab adjacent to the parent's currently selected tab is swapped with the currently selected tab, the correct tab is selected in the parent QTabBar, but the contents of the QTabWidget's frame does not reflect the actual contents of that tab.

      If the user selects any other tab, and then back to the original tab, the correct contents are displayed.

      A workaround has been found, and is documented in the attached sample project which demonstrates this bug, as well as the effect of the workaround.


        1. tabreordering.tar.gz
          2 kB
          Benjamin Martin
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            bnjmnmrtn Benjamin Martin
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