Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Not Evaluated
Qt6.5.3 With MSVC2019(2022)
MySQL 8.0.40-0ubuntu0.22.04.1
Windows11 23H2
demo code:
QSqlDatabase database(QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL", "TEST")); database.setUserName(""); database.setPassword(""); database.setPort(3306); database.setHostName(""); database.setDatabaseName(""); QString sql = "insert into sem_image_info (image_format, width, height, image_info, image_data)" " values (? ,? ,? ,?, ?)"; if (! { qDebug() << "open fail"; return 0; } QFile file( ""); if (! { qDebug() << "open fail"; return 0; } QByteArray array = file.readAll(); file.close(); QSqlQuery query = database.exec(sql); query.bindValue(0, 4); query.bindValue(1, 512); query.bindValue(2, 512); query.bindValue(3, ""); query.bindValue(4, array); if (!query.exec()) { qDebug() << "save fail"; return 0; } database.close(); //SQL: CREATE TABLE `image_info` ( `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '', `width` int NOT NULL COMMENT '', `height` int NOT NULL COMMENT '', `image_format` int NOT NULL COMMENT 'QImage Enum format', `image_info` mediumtext COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT 'extra info', `image_data` longblob COMMENT 'bin data', `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '', `edit_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '', `deleted` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '1 - deleted', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT='';
After saving and checking the database field, I found that the saved data does not match the expected result. After comparing the data, it seems that the binary data was forcibly encoded as UTF-8. I am unsure whether this is an issue with MySQL itself or with Qt's plugin, so I am asking here.
I have tried it on 6.8.1 version on different computer, it still not work (uninstall full qt package and re-install in this computer):
The size of the saved data is 1,048,576 bytes. The extracted bytes are different from version 6.5.3, and version 6.8.1 is larger, with 2,602,378 bytes. I remember version 6.5.3 being around 25xxxx bytes (the computer with 6.5.3 is at the office, and I have already left work).
addition info:
MySQL 8.0.40-0ubuntu0.22.04.1
MySQL driver: 8.0.37
Qt 6.5.3 with msvc 2019(2022)
Qt 6.8.1 with msvc 2022