Resolution: Out of scope
P2: Important
Foundation Sprint 125, Foundation Sprint 126
REASON FOR REOPEN: how to fix for Android was provided, but same issue is on iOS, how to fix it there?
I am porting old (only fe months, I think that time was 6.5 or 6.6) code to new app and its not working anymore.
Problem is, that once i run Workflow, browser properly opens for google auth website, i enter email, pass, and then its loading forever for my redirect url... however as soon as I get the app to foreground, the browser properly pickup the redirect url and opens it...
Code is:
.. find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Network) find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS NetworkAuth) .. target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE Qt6::Network) target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE Qt6::NetworkAuth) ..
.. #include <auth.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ... QQmlApplicationEngine engine; GoogleSSO googleAuth; engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("GoogleSSO", &googleAuth); ... engine.load(url); return app.exec(); }
#ifndef AUTH_H #define AUTH_H #include <QObject> #include <QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow> #include <QNetworkAccessManager> #include <QNetworkReply> #include <QNetworkRequest> #include <QUrl> #include <QUrlQuery> #include <QOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler> #include <QDesktopServices> #include <QString> #include <QByteArray> #include <QTime> #include <QFile> #include <QDir> #include <QAbstractOAuth> #include <QJsonDocument> #include <QJsonObject> #include <QJsonArray> class GoogleSSO : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit GoogleSSO(QObject *parent = nullptr); virtual ~GoogleSSO(); public slots: Q_INVOKABLE void authenticate(); private: QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow *google; QString generateRandomString() { return "xxxxxx"; } QString replyMessage = "<html>you were properly logged in, you can close the browser and return to the application</b>,<br>unfortunately i can not close this browser myself, you must do it and navigate back to your app</html>"; }; #endif // AUTH_H
#include "auth.h" GoogleSSO::GoogleSSO(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { this->google = new QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow(this); this->google->setScope(""); // Connect to Browser Listener QObject::connect(this->google, &QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow::authorizeWithBrowser, &QDesktopServices::openUrl); this->google->setClientIdentifier(""); const QUrl redirectUri(""); const auto port = static_cast<quint16>(redirectUri.port()); this->google->setState(generateRandomString()); this->google->responseType() = "code"; this->google->setAuthorizationUrl(QUrl("")); this->google->setAccessTokenUrl(QUrl("")); this->google->setClientIdentifierSharedKey("MCZ__________kArIQdkZC6q"); QOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler* replyHandler = new QOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler(port, this); replyHandler->setCallbackText(replyMessage); this->google->setReplyHandler(replyHandler); this->google->setModifyParametersFunction([redirectUri](QAbstractOAuth::Stage stage, QMultiMap<QString, QVariant>* parameters) { //qDebug() << "modifyParametersFunction stage=" << static_cast<int>(stage); if (stage == QAbstractOAuth::Stage::RequestingAuthorization) { // The only way to get refresh_token from Google Cloud parameters->insert("access_type", "offline"); // Needed for Refresh Token (as AccessToken expires shortly) parameters->insert("prompt", "consent"); // Param required to get data everytime //parameters->replace("redirect_uri", redirectUri); // not working... initaly intended to change redirect uri from https (which is needed for facebook, apple, etc) to http } else if (stage == QAbstractOAuth::Stage::RequestingAccessToken) { // Percent-decode the "code" parameter so Google can match it QByteArray code = parameters->value("code").toByteArray(); parameters->replace("code", QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(code)); // need to fix the URL syntaxt to manage spaces } }); QObject::connect(this->google, &QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow::granted, [=](){ //qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << __LINE__ << "Access Granted!"; // send the token to receive needed info QNetworkRequest req; req.setUrl(QUrl(",photos,names&access_token=" + this->google->token())); QNetworkAccessManager* manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(); QNetworkReply* rep = manager->get(req); QObject::connect(manager, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, [this](QNetworkReply* reply) { QByteArray serverReply = reply->readAll(); //qDebug() << "result:" << serverReply; reply->deleteLater(); }); }); } GoogleSSO::~GoogleSSO() { delete this->google; } // Invoked externally to initiate void GoogleSSO::authenticate() { this->google->grant(); }
from QML i call it via:
so again... what it does, opens the browser, to google oatuh webside, i enter email, password to authenticate... and at the point it shall redirect me to redirecturl (which is "") but it doesnt... google webside redirects me there, but the browser loads it forever, and as soon as i go back to the app wich is backgrounded, then it properly finishes the process and browser redirects to that url
eventualy i will have the error like:
if I compile for windows, it works properly because app is noe being backgrounded when browser is opened.
Android api i u se still same 34, so no change in android version permission
Issue Links
- resulted from
QTBUG-125496 Apps continue running in the background.
- Closed