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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-134118

ListView: Calling `positionViewAtIndex(idx)` followed by `currentIndex=idx` causes animation glitches later



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • 6.5.8, 6.8.2, 6.9.0 Beta2
    • None
    • Windows 10 22H2



      import QtQuick
      import QtQuick.Controls.Basic
      Window {
          id: root
          width: 640
          height: 480
          visible: true
          property int lastIndex: 4
          Column {
              ListView {
                  id: listView
                  width: 100
                  height: 200
                  model: root.lastIndex + 1
                  currentIndex: root.lastIndex
                  clip: true
                  delegate: Label {
                      required property int index
                      width: ListView.view.width
                      height: ListView.view.height
                      text: index
                      verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
              Button {
                  text: "Decrement"
                  onClicked: listView.currentIndex--
              Button {
                  text: "Slow Reset"
                  onClicked: listView.currentIndex = root.lastIndex
              Button {
                  text: "Fast Reset 1"
                  onClicked: {
                      listView.currentIndex = root.lastIndex
                      listView.positionViewAtIndex(root.lastIndex, ListView.Beginning) // OR positionViewAtEnd()
              Button {
                  text: "Fast Reset 2"
                  onClicked: {
                      listView.positionViewAtIndex(root.lastIndex, ListView.Beginning) // OR positionViewAtEnd()
                      listView.currentIndex = root.lastIndex


      Steps to reproduce
      In the steps below, wait for the animations to complete before making the next click:

      1. Build and run the code above
      2. Click "Decrement" repeatedly until the view reaches 0
      3. Click "Slow Reset"
      4. Click "Decrement" repeatedly until the view reaches 0
      5. Click "Fast Reset 1"
      6. Click "Decrement" repeatedly until the view reaches 0
      7. Click "Fast Reset 2"
      8. Click "Decrement" repeatedly until the view reaches 0



      • (Steps #2, #4, #6) Each click smoothly animates to the next item (Expected)
      • (Step #3) The view smoothly animates to "4" (Expected)
      • (Steps #5, #7) The view quickly snaps to "4" (Expected)
      • (Step #8) The first 2 clicks abruptly jump to the next item (Not Expected); the remaining clicks behave as expected

      "Fast Reset 1" and "Fast Reset 2" perform the same operations, just in different orders. Neither should be considered wrong.


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