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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-14190

Symbian: ui.TreeWidget->selectedItems() empty after start even if a item is shown as selected



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • Some future release
    • 4.7.0
    • Widgets: Itemviews
    • None
    • Nokia N97 mini


      Dear Sirs,
      please accept my profusest apologies for the torrent of bugs I have filed re Qt 4.7. However, whenever I see an oddity, I file - hopefully it helps.

      The latest, really strange quirk I have to report is re the QTreeeWidget. If it is populated at startup, one item is always shown as selected in the GUI. However, the call ui.TreeWidget->selectedItems().count(); does return 0 after startup if the widget is untouched.

      Once the widget has been touched, the return value is correct. This is more obvious in the video, the delete feed button emits ui.TreeWidget->selectedItems().count(); to the console.

      IMHO, there is a dissonance between the widget item shown as selected and the selectedItems() array. This was introducd with Qt 4.6.3, and has been partially fixed with 4.7.

      A possible fix would be to base the 4.7 sleectedItems() array on the same data source used for the GUI decision what to show as selected!

      With best regards
      Tam Hanna


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            tamhanna Tam Hanna
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