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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-20268

FontLoader - swapping between name and source does not behave correctly




      In the attached .qml, the 3rd state "source" attempts to change the FontLoader to use a url located font. Click anywhere to advance through the states.

      • The first method, expected to read the source and change the name based on the loaded font, fails. (QML FontLoader: Cannot load font: "")
      • The second method, setting the font name, succeeds - but when switching back to using name it fails. (QML FontLoader: Cannot load font: ""). It will succeed every time after this first failure.
      • The third method, setting name: undefined, fails the first time (the font shows for a short moment) but succeeds every time after that.

      There seems to be some weak behaviour in FontLoader determining what should be displayed.

      import QtQuick 2.0
      Item {
          id: fontloaderelementtest
          height: 640; width: 360
          property string testtext: ""
          property int statenum: 1
          property int currentfont: 0
          property variant availablefonts
          Component.onCompleted: { availablefonts = Qt.fontFamilies(); }
          Rectangle { anchors.fill: textitem; color: "lightsteelblue"; radius: 5 }
          FontLoader { id: fontloaderelement; name: availablefonts[currentfont]
              onStatusChanged: {
                  console.log("State: ",statenum,"\nStatus: ",status,"\nFontname: ",name,"\nFontsource: ",source,"\nUsing font: ",availablefonts[currentfont]);
                  switch(status) {
                  case FontLoader.Null: loaderstatus.text = "Null"; break;
                  case FontLoader.Ready: loaderstatus.text = "Ready"; break;
                  case FontLoader.Loading: loaderstatus.text = "Loading"; break;
                  case FontLoader.Error: loaderstatus.text = "Error"; break;
                  default: loaderstatus.text = "No idea"; break;
          Text { id: textitem; text: fontloaderelement.name; font: fontloaderelement.name
              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter; verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter; height: 100; width: 250; anchors.centerIn: parent;
          Text { id: loaderstatus; text: ""; font: fontloaderelement.name
              horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter; verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter; height: 50; width: parent.width; anchors.top: textitem.bottom;
          MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: { advance(); } }
          states: [
              // Use the first available font
              State { name: "start"; when: statenum == 1 },
              // Use the second available font
              State { name: "changefont"; when: statenum == 2
                  PropertyChanges { target: fontloaderelementtest; currentfont: 1 }
              // Use a locally stored font
              State { name: "source"; when: statenum == 3
                  PropertyChanges { target: fontloaderelement; source: "NeonLights.ttf" }                         // 1. Don't change name property
                  //PropertyChanges { target: fontloaderelement; source: "NeonLights.ttf"; name: "Neon Lights" }  // 2. Changed within state, should reset
                  //PropertyChanges { target: fontloaderelement; name: undefined; source: "NeonLights.ttf" }      // 3. Unset name
          function advance() {
              statenum = statenum == states.length ? 1 : statenum+1;


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          For Gerrit Dashboard: QTBUG-20268
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              esabraha Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt
              dajansen Damian Jansen (closed Nokia identity) (Inactive)
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