
    • Sub-task
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • 5.0.0
    • GUI: Font handling
    • None
    • qtbase 7465b55d9c1c8586da7384fbf97604ed020a4fd3
      Ubuntu 10.04 x86 32-bit
      Qt configured with -qpa and using QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb

    • 4959e6af8e5b8d6dbf677fcd0802e4dc43083308


      The tst_qcssparser autotest fails for qpa, using xcb backend.

      [rmcgover@bq-menoetius qcssparser]$ make check TESTARGS=extractFontFamily                                                        8455b13feeb144..
      ./tst_qcssparser extractFontFamily
      Information of screen 346:
        width.........: 1920
        height........: 1200
        depth.........: 24
        white pixel...: ffffff
        black pixel...: 0
      Running window manager: KWin
      ********* Start testing of tst_QCssParser *********
      Config: Using QTest library 5.0.0, Qt 5.0.0
      PASS   : tst_QCssParser::initTestCase()
      QDEBUG : tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily(multiple) Cache hit level 1 
      FAIL!  : tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily(multiple2) Compared values are not the same
         Actual ( Verdana
         Expected ("expectedFamily"): Times New Roman
         Loc: [tst_qcssparser.cpp(1593)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily(invalid) Compared values are not the same
         Actual ( Arial
         Expected ("expectedFamily"): DejaVu Sans
         Loc: [tst_qcssparser.cpp(1593)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily(shorthand multiple quote) Compared values are not the same
         Actual ( Verdana
         Expected ("expectedFamily"): Times New Roman
         Loc: [tst_qcssparser.cpp(1593)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily(shorthand multiple) Compared values are not the same
         Actual ( Verdana
         Expected ("expectedFamily"): Times New Roman
         Loc: [tst_qcssparser.cpp(1593)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily(invalid spaces) Compared values are not the same
         Actual ( Nimbus Sans L
         Expected ("expectedFamily"): Times New Roman
         Loc: [tst_qcssparser.cpp(1593)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily(invalid spaces quotes) Compared values are not the same
         Actual ( Nimbus Sans L
         Expected ("expectedFamily"): Times New Roman
         Loc: [tst_qcssparser.cpp(1593)]
      PASS   : tst_QCssParser::cleanupTestCase()
      Totals: 2 passed, 6 failed, 0 skipped
      ********* Finished testing of tst_QCssParser *********
      make: *** [check] Error 6

      If I take which fixes a bug in qpa's font caching, the resulting fonts become more stable, but the test still doesn't pass:

      [rmcgover@bq-menoetius qcssparser]$ make check TESTARGS=extractFontFamily                                                        f179157916ccb2..
      ./tst_qcssparser extractFontFamily
      Information of screen 346:
        width.........: 1920
        height........: 1200
        depth.........: 24
        white pixel...: ffffff
        black pixel...: 0
      Running window manager: KWin
      ********* Start testing of tst_QCssParser *********
      Config: Using QTest library 5.0.0, Qt 5.0.0
      PASS   : tst_QCssParser::initTestCase()
      QDEBUG : tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily(multiple) Cache hit level 1 
      FAIL!  : tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily(multiple2) Compared values are not the same
         Actual ( DejaVu Sans
         Expected ("expectedFamily"): Times New Roman
         Loc: [tst_qcssparser.cpp(1593)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily(shorthand multiple quote) Compared values are not the same
         Actual ( DejaVu Sans
         Expected ("expectedFamily"): Times New Roman
         Loc: [tst_qcssparser.cpp(1593)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily(shorthand multiple) Compared values are not the same
         Actual ( DejaVu Sans
         Expected ("expectedFamily"): Times New Roman
         Loc: [tst_qcssparser.cpp(1593)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily(invalid spaces) Compared values are not the same
         Actual ( DejaVu Sans
         Expected ("expectedFamily"): Times New Roman
         Loc: [tst_qcssparser.cpp(1593)]
      FAIL!  : tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily(invalid spaces quotes) Compared values are not the same
         Actual ( DejaVu Sans
         Expected ("expectedFamily"): Times New Roman
         Loc: [tst_qcssparser.cpp(1593)]
      PASS   : tst_QCssParser::cleanupTestCase()
      Totals: 2 passed, 5 failed, 0 skipped
      ********* Finished testing of tst_QCssParser *********
      make: *** [check] Error 5

      A full test log is at (Nokia LAN)


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            esabraha Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt
            rmcgover Rohan McGovern (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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