Resolution: Out of scope
P3: Somewhat important
I can set the "clean" icon with QUndoView::setCleanIcon() but I can't
set an icon for the other undo steps. This looks very crappy. So IMO I
need 4 different icons:
- clean state
- current undo step
- undo steps
- redo steps
E.g. a green arrow marks the highlighted current undo step.
Red/Blue bullets for the undo/redo steps just as decoration.
And a disk symbol for the clean state.
I hope you got my idea.
Another idea is that QUndoCommand can provide an additional icon. But I
think this is not very good from a usability point of view.
As implementation suggestion I would suggest a new enum. So you can keep
the old setCleanIcon method for compatibility reasons.
class QUndoView {
~ // ...
~ enum IconType
~ // ...
~ void setStackIcon( IconType type, QIcon icon );
~ QIcon stackIcon( IconType ) const;
~ // ...