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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-23625

SSL Errors generated in 4.8.x



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Out of scope
    • P2: Important
    • Some future release
    • 4.8.0, 5.5.0
    • Network: SSL
    • None


      When trying to access http://gmail.com from a QWebView in 4.8.x, SSL Errors are generated, and the page fails to load:

      SSL Errors: ("The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found", "The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose")

      These errors don't appear in a project compiled with 4.7.4.

      I have a project that demonstrates this issue, but I was able to reproduce it with the fancybrowser example that ships with Qt.

      I've taken the fancybrowser example and changed the URL that gets loaded from "http://www.google.com/ncr" to "http://gmail.com". gmail.com eventually gets redirected to an https page, and it's at that point that fancybrowser would throw the SSL Errors.

      [kconstan@beaver fancybrowser]$ pwd
      [kconstan@beaver fancybrowser]$ qmake-qt4-alt-474
      [kconstan@beaver fancybrowser]$ make
      [kconstan@beaver fancybrowser]$ env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/qt-alt-4.7.4/lib64/ ./fancybrowser
      QFont::setPixelSize: Pixel size <= 0 (0)

      Gmail's login page loads and we get no ssl errors printed to the console

      [kconstan@beaver fancybrowser]$ make clean
      [kconstan@beaver fancybrowser]$ make distclean
      [kconstan@beaver fancybrowser]$ qmake-qt4-alt-480
      [kconstan@beaver fancybrowser]$ env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/qt-alt-4.8.0/lib64/ ./fancybrowser
      SSL Errors: ("The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found", "The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose")

      The browser window appears but the page never gets loaded. Note the SSL Errors in the console.

      I have 4.7.4 and 4.8.0 installed in /opt and I've built against both versions in the above example. To ensure that I didn't accidentally install something wrong, I verified the issue by building the modified "fancybrowser" on a Fedora 16 machine.

      [kconstan@beaver fancybrowser]$ ssh vmfc16
      [kconstan@vmfc16 fancybrowser]$ qmake-qt4
      [kconstan@vmfc16 fancybrowser]$ make distclean
      [kconstan@vmfc16 fancybrowser]$ qmake-qt4
      [kconstan@vmfc16 fancybrowser]$ make -j 8
      [kconstan@vmfc16 fancybrowser]$ ./fancybrowser
      loaded the Generic plugin
      SSL Errors: ("The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found", "The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose")

      The browser window comes up but remains blank and I get the SSL errors in the console.

      I've attached the modified fancybrowser example to this bug.


        1. accounts.google.com.cer
          1 kB
          Shane Kearns
        2. fancybrowser-qt-480-ssl-bug.tar.gz
          4 kB
          Kevin Constantine

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              richmoore Richard Moore (qtnetwork)
              kconstan Kevin Constantine
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