Resolution: Done
Not Evaluated
Windows 7, MSVC 2010 64bit
Windows: QProcess test "check" target depends on "debug-check" target when Qt is explicitly configured for release, and therefore attempts to build the test executable in debug mode when "nmake check" command is issued:
C:\qt\qt5\qtbase\tests\auto\corelib\io\qprocess\test>nmake check Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 10.00.30319.01 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. nmake -f Makefile.Debug check Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 10.00.30319.01 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\qt\qt5\qtbase\bin\moc.exe -DUNICODE -DWIN32 -DQT_LARGEFILE_SUPPORT -DQT_DLL -DQT_NETWORK_LIB -DQT_TESTLIB_LIB -DQT_TESTCASE_BUILDDIR=\"C:/qt/qt5/qtbase/tests/auto/corelib/io/qprocess/test\" -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_HAVE_MMX -DQT_HAVE_3DNOW -DQT_HAVE_SSE -DQT_HAVE_MMXEXT -DQT_HAVE_SSE2 -I"..\..\..\..\..\..\include\QtCore" -I"..\..\..\..\..\..\include\QtTest" -I"..\..\..\..\..\..\include\QtNetw ork" -I"..\..\..\..\..\..\include" -I"tmp\moc\debug_shared" -I"..\..\..\..\..\..\mkspecs\win32-msvc2010" -D_MSC_VER=1600 -DWIN32 ..\tst_qprocess.cpp -o tmp\moc\debug_shared\tst_qprocess.moc cl -c -nologo -Zm200 -Zc:wchar_t -Zi -MDd -GR -EHsc -W3 -w34100 -w34189 -DUNICODE -DWIN32 -DQT_LARGEFILE_SUPPORT -DQT_DLL -DQT_NETWORK_LIB -DQT_TESTLIB_LIB -DQT_TESTCASE_BUILDDIR=\"C:/qt/qt5/q tbase/tests/auto/corelib/io/qprocess/test\" -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_HAVE_MMX -DQT_HAVE_3DNOW -DQT_HAVE_SSE -DQT_HAVE_MMXEXT -DQT_HAVE_SSE2 -I"..\..\..\..\..\..\include\QtCore" -I"..\..\..\..\..\..\include\ QtTest" -I"..\..\..\..\..\..\include\QtNetwork" -I"..\..\..\..\..\..\include" -I"tmp\moc\debug_shared" -I"..\..\..\..\..\..\mkspecs\win32-msvc2010" -Fotmp\obj\debug_shared\ @C:\Users\miheikki\AppData\ Local\Temp\nm64E3.tmp tst_qprocess.cpp link /LIBPATH:"c:\qt\qt5\qtbase\lib" /LIBPATH:"c:\qt\qt5\qtbase\lib" /LIBPATH:"c:\qt\qt5\qtbase\lib" /NOLOGO /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /DEBUG /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:"tmp\obj\debug_shared\tst_qpr ocess.intermediate.manifest" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE "/MANIFESTDEPENDENCY:type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*' processorArc hitecture='*'" /OUT:tst_qprocess.exe @C:\Users\miheikki\AppData\Local\Temp\nm6C24.tmp LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'c:\qt\qt5\qtbase\lib\QtNetworkd5.lib' NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\BIN\amd64\link.EXE"' : return code '0x450' Stop. NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\BIN\amd64\nmake.EXE"' : return code '0x2' Stop.
Since there are no debug version of Qt libs in release build, the check obviously fails.
This seems to be caused by explicit load of testcase.prf in
load(testcase) # for target.path and installTestHelperApp()
If this line is commented out (and the subsequent lines as well, as they depend on this), the check target will correctly depend on "release-check".
Issue Links
- is required for
QTBUG-24203 Qt 5.0 - Windows: Fix tests
- Closed
For Gerrit Dashboard: QTBUG-24332 | ||||||
# | Subject | Branch | Project | Status | CR | V |
16643,1 | Fix "check" target when load(testcase) is used in .pro file. | master | qt/qtbase | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |