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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-25389

TextEdit crashes in setText after setting selection when switching between plain and rich text mode.



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Not Evaluated
    • 4.8.2
    • 4.8.1
    • None
    • This has been reproduced on ubuntu linux 11.10 with gcc 4.6.1 using
      qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.1.zip compiled with ./configure --debug
      and the Qt 4.8.0 SDK
      and Windows 7 with mingw 4.6.1 using the QT 4.8.0 SDK


      A short example .qml file that triggers the bug when clicked is attached, it was run in a default Qt Quick UI project and also appears to crash in the QML viewer. There are 2 commented out lines, each of which prevents the bug from occuring if uncommented.

      Steps to reproduce:
      Set the textEdit with html formatted text.
      Call selectAll()
      Set the textEdit text to an empty string.
      Set the textEdit text with html formatted text - this line will crash, as preeditAreaText() has been called on a null textlayout.

      This doesn't occur if the textEdit is explicitly set to Text.RichText, or explicitly set to Text.PlainText.

      Stack trace:

      0	QTextLayout::preeditAreaText	qtextlayout.cpp	487	0x9be081	
      1	QDeclarativeTextEditPrivate::determineHorizontalAlignment	qdeclarativetextedit.cpp	551	0x28ed7d	
      2	QDeclarativeTextEdit::moveCursorDelegate	qdeclarativetextedit.cpp	1592	0x291e63	
      3	QDeclarativeTextEdit::qt_static_metacall	moc_qdeclarativetextedit_p.cpp	361	0x3f1fbf	
      4	QMetaObject::activate	qobject.cpp	3547	0x1422d45	
      5	QTextControl::microFocusChanged	moc_qtextcontrol_p.cpp	329	0x9abdbb	
      6	QTextControlPrivate::updateCurrentCharFormat	qtextcontrol.cpp	310	0x99dc64	
      7	QTextControlPrivate::_q_updateCurrentCharFormatAndSelection	qtextcontrol.cpp	603	0x99f0cf	
      8	QTextControl::qt_static_metacall	moc_qtextcontrol_p.cpp	163	0x9ab645	
      9	QMetaObject::activate	qobject.cpp	3547	0x1422d45	
      10	QTextDocument::contentsChanged	moc_qtextdocument.cpp	208	0xefa14f	
      11	QTextDocumentPrivate::contentsChanged	qtextdocument_p.cpp	1654	0x9f284a	
      12	QTextDocumentPrivate::finishEdit	qtextdocument_p.cpp	1246	0x9f0f1a	
      13	QTextDocumentPrivate::endEditBlock	qtextdocument_p.cpp	1201	0x9f0bfc	
      14	QTextDocument::setHtml	qtextdocument.cpp	1225	0x9dae86	
      15	QTextControlPrivate::setContent	qtextcontrol.cpp	478	0x99e818	
      16	QTextControl::setHtml	qtextcontrol.cpp	1163	0x9a1674	
      17	QDeclarativeTextEdit::setText	qdeclarativetextedit.cpp	257	0x28e237	
      18	QDeclarativeTextEdit::qt_metacall	moc_qdeclarativetextedit_p.cpp	450	0x3f25c7	
      19	QMetaObject::metacall	qmetaobject.cpp	245	0x140ee94	
      20	QDeclarativeVMEMetaObject::metaCall	qdeclarativevmemetaobject.cpp	623	0x2bd6a4	

      This also occured in version 4.8.0


        1. main.qml
          0.7 kB
          Matthew Elvey Price
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