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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-26298

Research supporting websocket in QtNetwork / QtDeclarative




      Discussed at QtCS 2012:

      • WebSocket client. Even a subset. looks at libwebsocket.
      • Could integrate with qml so qml gets a signal.
      • Would it need exposing to qtwebkit?
      • Research project.

      The protocol (RFC6455) is based on HTTP, and using the http channel as a socket after establishment.

      There is a javascript API draft at http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/

      We'd probably want to expose the javascript API in declarative apps.
      We'd also want a C++ API (similar to the JS one but using Qt types and signals instead of callbacks)
      The natural conclusion is that the JS API would wrap the C++ one.
      (whether the C++ api supports sending typed arrays is another question.. it needs to support strings and byte arrays though)

      For QNetworkAccessManager, we might need a way of detaching a QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel when it gets "upgraded" to a web socket.

      Webkit already has a websocket implementation.
      Does it work with QtWebkit?
      Do we need to integrate with it?

      Testing - we'd need a websocket server to test against.
      If we only implement the client side in Qt, then we need something on the test server.
      We'd probably want that for integration testing anyway.


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              kurt.pattyn Kurt Pattyn
              shkearns Shane Kearns
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