Resolution: Done
P2: Important
Windows7 64bit, mkspec == win32-msvc2008,
I have defined a custom tool to run shiboken and am using mkspec win32-msvc2008.
If CONFIG contains "debug_and_release" then the custom build step is correctly included in the resulting vcproj file.
However, if I am building a single-configuration vcproj file, the custom rule is not included in the generated vcproj file.
Note that I have a patch file which fixes this under Qt 4.6.2 and will probably also work for the latest version of Qt. See attached for the patch file.
Here is my custom tool rule:
SHIBOKEN_RULE_FILE = shiboken.rule = "Shiboken Custom Build Step..."
shiboken_rule.input = SHIBOKEN_RULE_FILE
shiboken_rule.output = mainwindow_wrapper.cpp
shiboken_rule.commands = ...\shiboken
shiboken_rule.commands += "--avoid-protected-hack"
shiboken_rule.commands += "../data/global.h"
shiboken_rule.commands += "--include-paths=../../HybridApp;$$QT_INC"
shiboken_rule.commands += "--typesystem-paths=../data;$$QTTYPESYSTEM"
shiboken_rule.commands += "--output-directory=.."
shiboken_rule.commands += "../data/typesystem.xml"
shiboken_rule.depends = "../data/typesystem.xml"
shiboken_rule.depends += "../data/global.h"
QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += shiboken_rule