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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-29319

Using particles crashes app on Blackberry 10 / Shader does not compile



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Not Evaluated
    • 5.0.2
    • 5.0.0, 5.0.1
    • None
    • Qt 5 from git (Jan 11th) / Blackberry 10 / DevAlpha-B / OS
    • 7cbfd6b3d26df37d06b54ecc873acb63dfa945e8


      Here is a small sample application that runs on desktop, but crashes on Blackberry 10. The problems seems to be a shader that cannot be compiled.

      import QtQuick 2.0
      import QtQuick.Particles 2.0
      Rectangle {
          width: 500
          height: 500
          color: "gray"
          ParticleSystem {
              id: system
          ImageParticle {
              system: system
              colorVariation: 0.5
              alpha: 0.5
              color: "white"
              source: "img/particle.png"
              sizeTable: "img/sizetable.png"
          Emitter {
              id: emitter
              system: system
              height: 10
              width: 10
              shape: EllipseShape {fill: true}
              emitRate: 200
              lifeSpan: 500
              lifeSpanVariation: 500
              enabled: active
              size: 16
              sizeVariation: 8
              velocityFromMovement: 10
              velocity: PointDirection { xVariation: 100; yVariation: 100;}
              acceleration: PointDirection { xVariation: 40; yVariation: 40;}
              anchors.centerIn: parent

      Here is the log output during startup.

      Jan 25 13:28:35.880 de.kodira.qt5.particletest.testDev_articletest718f69fd.35922120                           0  -----ONLINE-----
      Jan 25 13:28:35.880 de.kodira.qt5.particletest.testDev_articletest718f69fd.35922120              default*  9000  QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread
      Jan 25 13:28:36.614 de.kodira.qt5.particletest.testDev_articletest718f69fd.35922120              default   9000  file:///accounts/1000/appdata/de.kodira.qt5.particletest.testDev_articletest718f69fd/app/native/qml/particletest/main.qml:31: ReferenceError: active is not defined
      Jan 25 13:28:37.097 de.kodira.qt5.particletest.testDev_articletest718f69fd.35922120              default   9000  QOpenGLShader::compile(Vertex): Compile failed.
      Jan 25 13:28:37.097 de.kodira.qt5.particletest.testDev_articletest718f69fd.35922120              default   9000  *** Problematic Vertex shader source code ***
      Jan 25 13:28:37.097 de.kodira.qt5.particletest.testDev_articletest718f69fd.35922120              default   9000  #define TABLE
      #define DEFORM
      #define COLOR
      #if defined(DEFORM)
      attribute highp vec4 vPosTex;
      attribute highp vec2 vPos;
      attribute highp vec4 vData; //  x = time,  y = lifeSpan, z = size,  w = endSize
      attribute highp vec4 vVec; // x,y = constant velocity,  z,w = acceleration
      uniform highp float entry;
      #if defined(COLOR)
      attribute highp vec4 vColor;
      #if defined(DEFORM)
      attribute highp vec4 vDeformVec; //x,y x unit vector; z,w = y unit vector
      attribute highp vec3 vRotation; //x = radian...
      Jan 25 13:28:37.097 de.kodira.qt5.particletest.testDev_articletest718f69fd.35922120              default   9000  ***
      Jan 25 13:28:37.108 de.kodira.qt5.particletest.testDev_articletest718f69fd.35922120              default   9000  QOpenGLShader::link: "Link Error: Vertex shader is missing.
      Jan 25 13:28:37.108 de.kodira.qt5.particletest.testDev_articletest718f69fd.35922120              default   9000  QSGMaterialShader: Shader compilation failed:
      Jan 25 13:28:37.108 de.kodira.qt5.particletest.testDev_articletest718f69fd.35922120              default   9000  "Link Error: Vertex shader is missing.
      Jan 25 13:28:37.108 de.kodira.qt5.particletest.testDev_articletest718f69fd.35922120              default   9000  QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( qt_Matrix ): shader program is not linked 
      Jan 25 13:28:37.108 de.kodira.qt5.particletest.testDev_articletest718f69fd.35922120              default   9000  QSGSimpleMaterialShader does not implement 'uniform highp mat4 qt_Matrix;' in its vertex shader

      A full installable app that shows this problem can be found here:


        1. particle.png
          0.8 kB
        2. sizetable.png
          0.2 kB
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