Resolution: Out of scope
P4: Low
5.1.0 , 5.2.1, 5.3.0 Beta1
Windows XP, Qt5.1.0 alpha ANGLE, Win Vista ..7 with "Windows Classic" theme
This only occurs on Windows XP, using 5.1.0 alpha (ANGLE version).
5.0.2(ANGLE) and 5.1.0alpha(opengl) DON'T have this issue. It seemed be a regression compared with 5.0.2(ANGLE)
import QtQuick 2.0 Rectangle { width: 400; height: 300 property bool flag: false color: flag ? "green" : "red" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { parent.flag = ! parent.flag; } } }
How to reproduce:
0) On Windows >= Windows XP, switch theme to "Windows Classic"
1).Start the program, a red window (called Qtwindow) occurs. It turns green when clicked. When clicked again it will turns to red again.
2).Move another window (called window2) above the Qtwindow, overlapping a part of that window.
3).Click Qtwindow [becomes active top window], then only the overlapped part of the window is redrawed (i.e. turns green or red)