Resolution: Out of scope
Not Evaluated
Ubuntu 13.04 (same happens on older versions, but QtWebKit works fine there)
Fontconfig 2.10.2
Qt 4.8.4 (does not happen with Qt 5)
Originally I reported bug 114618 in QtWebKit stating that monospace fonts were rendered as non-monospace, but it seems that the issue is deeper, so I was redirected here.
This code:
QFont font; font.setStyleHint(QFont::Monospace); QDebug() << font.defaultFamily();
prints “Courier New” on my Ubuntu system, but I don’t have this font installed.
When I replace QFont::Monospace with QFont::TypeWriter, it prints just “Courier”, which also doesn’t exist.
The default fontconfig monospace font on my system is “DejaVu Sans Mono”:
$ fc-match monospace DejaVuSansMono.ttf: "DejaVu Sans Mono" "Book"
Because of this bug QtWebKit renders all font-family: monospace blocks using non-monospace font, so it is quite a critical issue.