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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-3520

Unexpected behaviour of selection via Shift and a letter key




      Attempted to select multiple files by hitting Shift and the first letter of the file name (first seen in Gwenview's thumbnail view, also seen in Dolphin's Details view). Selected the last file of the group, then attempted to select all files back to the first by hitting Shift-Letter.

      Example: Imagine a list of files which includes a set named img001.jpg through img099.jpg and another set named dcp001.jpg through dcp099.jpg. dcp099.jpg is selected and the intent is to select the entire dcp* set by hitting Shift-d.

      Expected to see:
      All files between the currently selected file and the first file starting with the letter to be selected. In the example above, selecting dcp099.jpg and hitting Shift-d is expected to select all of the files dcp001.jpg through dcp099.jpg.

      Got instead:
      The current selection is abandoned and only the first file is selected. However, hitting Shift-Down then abandons the first file and selects all files below it down to the original selection. Again using the above example, hitting Shift-d abandons dcp099.jpg and only selects dcp001.jpg. Hitting Shift-Down then abandons dcp001.jpg and selects dcp002.jpg through dcp099.jpg inclusive.


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            janichol Andy Nichols
            janichol Andy Nichols
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