Technical task
Resolution: Duplicate
P2: Important
Attached project integrates a QQuickView into a Cocoa application using a QMacNativeWidget.
when resizing the NSWindow, the QQuickView is not redrawn correctly.
1. resize the window via the mouse (the QQV is not updated, compare: before_mouse_on_qqv.png)
2. move the mouse cursor to the QQV (the QQV is still not updated, compare: before_mouse_on_qqv.png)
3. move the mouse to the position where the Button is supposed to be (the QQV is updated, compare: after_mouse_on_qqv.png)
expected behaviour: the QQV is updated when resizing the window changes the position of the QQV.
Issue Links
- is replaced by
QTBUG-36116 qquickview/windowcontainer: wrong painting
- Closed