Resolution: Done
P2: Important
Windows VS2013 ANGLE
21114bcc1f58696eef1164e6638d9f1bf7b700e2. (stable, 4.3.2014. 5.3)
Relevant commits: eacd58d4e78e7238ba5fcca90ba960aaf3ebd263 (Enabling QQuickWidget and QOpenGLWidget
) When running tests\manual\qopenglwidget\openglwidget
QOpenGLContext::makeCurrent() called with non-opengl surface 0x426341b3d0
QOpenGLFunctions created with non-current context
QOpenGLShaderProgram::attributeLocation( posAttr ): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram::attributeLocation( colAttr ): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation( matrix ): shader program is not linked
QOpenGLContext::makeCurrent() called with non-opengl surface 0x426341b3d0
ASSERT: "context" in file opengl\qopenglfunctions.cpp, line 195
11 _CrtDbgReportW dbgrpt.c 279 0x7ffab131b340 12 qt_message_fatal qlogging.cpp 1322 0x671e2ada 13 QMessageLogger::fatal qlogging.cpp 662 0x671e2105 14 qt_assert qglobal.cpp 2125 0x671d9f12 15 qt_gl_functions qopenglfunctions.cpp 195 0x7ffab1ed363d 16 QOpenGLFunctions::initializeOpenGLFunctions qopenglfunctions.cpp 481 0x7ffab1ed3260 17 QOpenGLFramebufferObjectPrivate::init qopenglframebufferobject.cpp 423 0x7ffab1ed9679 18 QOpenGLFramebufferObject::QOpenGLFramebufferObject qopenglframebufferobject.cpp 781 0x7ffab1ed7bef 19 QOpenGLWidget::resizeEvent qopenglwidget.cpp 164 0x67d694bd 20 QWidget::event qwidget.cpp 8133 0x67d16b36 21 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper qapplication.cpp 3519 0x67cb0796 22 QApplication::notify qapplication.cpp 3484 0x67cadd3f 23 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal qcoreapplication.cpp 937 0x67616014 24 QCoreApplication::sendEvent qcoreapplication.h 237 0x67621683 25 QWidgetPrivate::sendPendingMoveAndResizeEvents qwidget.cpp 7085 0x67d21950 26 QWidgetPrivate::show_helper qwidget.cpp 7138 0x67d21c90 27 QWidget::setVisible qwidget.cpp 7403 0x67d109ea 28 QWidget::show qwidget.cpp 7043 0x67d10d59 29 QWidgetPrivate::showChildren qwidget.cpp 7486 0x67d21592 30 QWidgetPrivate::show_helper qwidget.cpp 7148 0x67d21cb1 31 QWidget::setVisible qwidget.cpp 7403 0x67d109ea 32 QWidget::show qwidget.cpp 7043 0x67d10d59 33 QWidgetPrivate::showChildren qwidget.cpp 7486 0x67d21592 34 QWidgetPrivate::show_helper qwidget.cpp 7148 0x67d21cb1 35 QWidget::setVisible qwidget.cpp 7403 0x67d109ea 36 QWidget::show qwidget.cpp 7043 0x67d10d59 37 QWidgetPrivate::showChildren qwidget.cpp 7486 0x67d21592 38 QWidgetPrivate::show_helper qwidget.cpp 7148 0x67d21cb1 39 QWidget::setVisible qwidget.cpp 7403 0x67d109ea 40 QWidget::show qwidget.cpp 7043 0x67d10d59 41 main main.cpp 72 0x7ff73eaf2b1a 42 __tmainCRTStartup crtexe.c 626 0x7ff73eaf5e7d 43 mainCRTStartup crtexe.c 466 0x7ff73eaf5fae 44 BaseThreadInitThunk KERNEL32 0x7ffada4715cd 45 RtlUserThreadStart ntdll 0x7ffadacb43d1
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QTBUG-36712 Issues to be fixed before 5.3.0 Beta 1 release
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