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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-37991

Probably regression when passing array to Repeater.



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 5.3.0 Beta1
    • None
    • Debian/testing amd64. Ubuntu 13.04. Qt 5.2.1 from installer. Qt 5.3 built from source


      I have clone function (at MapData.js) and I'm creating a few of new objects by cloning dummy object (see .qml file). I set new value of color property for objects on even indexes.
      After that I apped this array to Repeater's model. When repeater completes delegate construction I print `color` property again.

      Qt 5.2.1: correct: on even indexes I see updated value.
      Qt 5.3 : unexpected: all colors are equal to color property of dummy object.

      I don't know if it is relevant but when I print array before appending it to the model I get results which are unexpected for me but same for both versions of Qt. It seems that property exists only for objects where I have set it manually. See logs below. In 1st line I print array of objects using JSON.stringify. on next 4 lines I print color property after delegate's construction.

      Qt 5.2.1

      Completed: color = #ff00ff
      Completed: color = #009000
      Completed: color = #ff00ff
      Completed: color = #009000

      Qt 5.3

      qml: [{"color":"#FF00FF"},{},{"color":"#FF00FF"},{}]
      qml: Completed: color = #009000
      qml: Completed: color = #009000
      qml: Completed: color = #009000
      qml: Completed: color = #009000

      My clone function:

      var clone = (function(){
        var Clone = function() { };
        return function (obj) { Clone.prototype=obj; return new Clone() };


        1. Root.qml
          0.8 kB
        2. MapData.js
          0.2 kB
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