Resolution: Unresolved
P2: Important
1) A test class with Q_PROPERTY in QSharedPointer<int>
2) Setting the property with invalid QVariant will cause crash.
TestCode attached.
(test.h) typedef QSharedPointer<int> IntPtr2; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(IntPtr2) class CTest : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Q_PROPERTY(IntPtr2 spine2 READ GetSpine2 WRITE SetSpine2) IntPtr2 GetSpine2() const { return m_Spine2; } void SetSpine2(IntPtr2 p_Spine2) { m_Spine2 = p_Spine2; } private: IntPtr2 m_Spine2; }; main.cpp int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { qRegisterMetaType<IntPtr2>(); // QVariant var = qVariantFromValue(IntPtr2()); // works QVariant var; CTest test; test.setProperty("spine2", var); // crash }
crash log:
0 bool QBasicAtomicOps<4>::ref<int>(int&) qatomic_x86.h 184 0x100002c00
1 QBasicAtomicInteger<int>::ref() qbasicatomic.h 135 0x100002be5
2 QSharedPointer<int>::ref() const qsharedpointer_impl.h 502 0x100002ba0
3 QSharedPointer qsharedpointer_impl.h 322 0x100002b75
4 QSharedPointer qsharedpointer_impl.h 322 0x100002add
5 CTest::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) moc_CTest.cpp 108 0x100003379
6 QMetaProperty::write(QObject*, QVariant const&) const QMetaProperty::write(QObject*, QVariant const&) const 0x1002512c5
7 QObject::setProperty(char const*, QVariant const&) QObject::setProperty(char const*, QVariant const&) 0x10027983f
8 main main.cpp 12 0x1000020c9
9 start start 0x100002074
Issue Links
- relates to
QTBUG-40742 qRegisterMetatype invalidates type check in setProperty
- Closed
- replaces
QTBUG-40742 qRegisterMetatype invalidates type check in setProperty
- Closed