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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-41688

Assertion failure in QQmlMetaObject::canConvert()



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P1: Critical
    • 6.9
    • 5.4.0 Alpha, 6.9.0 FF
    • None
    • Latest 5.4 branch, Linux 64-bit


      Test case:

      import QtQuick 2.2
      import QtQuick.Window 2.2
      import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
      Window {
          id: window
          width: 320
          height: 200
          visible: true
          // property var or QtObject doesn't crash
          property Menu menu
          Binding {
              target: window
              property: "menu"
              value: Menu { }

      Results in:

      ASSERT: "!from.isNull() && !to.isNull()" in file qml/qqmlpropertycache.cpp, line 1586 global/qglobal.cpp: 2808

      Call stack:

      0	raise	/lib64/libc.so.6		0x7ffff4d79887	
      1	abort	/lib64/libc.so.6		0x7ffff4d7af78	
      2	qt_message_fatal	qlogging.cpp	1407	0x7ffff5e51e1d	
      3	QMessageLogger::fatal	qlogging.cpp	635	0x7ffff5e4e8f2	
      4	qt_assert	qglobal.cpp	2808	0x7ffff5e488d8	
      5	QQmlMetaObject::canConvert	qqmlpropertycache.cpp	1586	0x7ffff66d79ec	
      6	QQmlPropertyPrivate::write	qqmlproperty.cpp	1328	0x7ffff667de19	
      7	QQmlPropertyPrivate::writeValueProperty	qqmlproperty.cpp	1238	0x7ffff667d5bd	
      8	QQmlPropertyPrivate::writeValueProperty	qqmlproperty.cpp	1204	0x7ffff667d3bf	
      9	QQmlPropertyPrivate::write	qqmlproperty.cpp	1711	0x7ffff667ff36	
      10	QQmlProperty::write	qqmlproperty.cpp	1633	0x7ffff667fd15	
      11	QQmlBind::eval	qqmlbind.cpp	298	0x7ffff6762cad	
      12	QQmlBind::componentComplete	qqmlbind.cpp	267	0x7ffff6762aee	
      13	QQmlObjectCreator::finalize	qqmlobjectcreator.cpp	1227	0x7ffff6719603	
      14	QQmlComponentPrivate::complete	qqmlcomponent.cpp	928	0x7ffff668364b	
      15	QQmlComponentPrivate::completeCreate	qqmlcomponent.cpp	964	0x7ffff6683730	
      16	QQmlComponent::completeCreate	qqmlcomponent.cpp	957	0x7ffff66836e2	
      17	QQmlComponent::create	qqmlcomponent.cpp	791	0x7ffff6682f1f	
      18	QQmlApplicationEnginePrivate::_q_finishLoad	qqmlapplicationengine.cpp	130	0x7ffff670a605	
      19	QQmlApplicationEnginePrivate::startLoad	qqmlapplicationengine.cpp	109	0x7ffff670a3ad	
      20	QQmlApplicationEngine::load	qqmlapplicationengine.cpp	246	0x7ffff670a909	
      ...	<More>				


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