Resolution: Duplicate
P1: Critical
5.4.0 RC
Windows 7 64 bit
MSVC 2010
- Download the attached project.
It's a project for manually testing Creator's debugger with an additional compile fix. You can also find it in the Creator's repository in tests\manual\debugger\simple. - Build this in debug mode.
qmake CONFIG+=debug && nmake
- Start the resulting executable.
It will crash right away:0 QMetaObject::static_metacall qmetaobject.cpp 280 0x5919ca78 1 QMetaMethod::fromSignalImpl qmetaobject.cpp 2014 0x591a0557 2 QMetaMethod::fromSignal<void (__thiscall QQuickAccessibleAttached::*)(void)> qmetaobject.h 146 0x51509c96 3 `dynamic initializer for 'QQuickAccessibleAttached::sigPress'' qquickaccessibleattached.cpp 295 0x515cfd22 4 _initterm MSVCR100D 0x58d2866c 5 _CRT_INIT crtdll.c 284 0x515ca173 6 __DllMainCRTStartup crtdll.c 506 0x515ca47e 7 _DllMainCRTStartup crtdll.c 476 0x515ca3c1 8 LdrpCallInitRoutine ntdll32 0x777099a0 9 LdrpRunInitializeRoutines ntdll32 0x7770d939 10 LdrpInitializeProcess ntdll32 0x7771686c 11 _LdrpInitialize ntdll32 0x77715326 12 LdrInitializeThunk ntdll32 0x77709ef9
In QMetaObject::static_metacall, all members of this->d are 0.
Release builds do not seem to crash. I can reproduce the bug with my own build of Qt 5.4 as well as with the package but not with Qt 5.3.2.
I'll see how far I can strip the project down.
Issue Links
- is replaced by
QTBUG-42227 [REG 5.4 beta -> 28.10.2014] QtQuick applications crash at startup under Windows 7
- Closed