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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-45123

FolderListModel not refreshed on changed file size



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P4: Low
    • None
    • 5.4.1
    • None
    • Any environment with a microphone. A working microphone is not actually needed because the issue is not about recording sounds.


      When a list control is bound to a FolderListModel and displays the file size, the latter is not updated when the underlying file has its size changed - for example, when recording audio. To reproduce:
      1. Open and start the attached project;
      2. Push the "Record" button - you'll see an entry appearing in the list displaying 3014 or similar;
      3. Leave it running for a few seconds;
      4. Press the button again (which now says "Stop");
      5. You'll see that the application still displays 3104;
      6. Exit the app and start it again - since the FolderListModel reads from the file system on start, you'll now see a larger number depending on how much time you left the recorder running.

      If it's too time-consuming or even impossible to automatically refresh the FolderListModel in such cases, please at least add a refresh-like method to call manually. Besides, any workarounds other than rebinding the whole list are appreciated.


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