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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-45412

Some characters not scaled on some font combinations



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • 5.4.1
    • GUI: Font handling
    • None
    • Up to date Archlinux
      QT 5.4.1
      Freetype 2.5.5
      Fontconfig 2.11.1


      If some fonts are installed / not installed, some characters are not properly scaled according to the font size, but most characters are. I noticed it for "●" (U+25CF), in QWidgets as well as in QML. I'm not sure if it's a QT or a fontconfig/freetype bug, so I'm reporting it here.

      This table shows when the bug appears:

      Installed fonts Bug occurs
      ttf-oxygen Yes
      ttf-ubuntu-font-family Yes
      ttf-oxygen, ttf-ubuntu-font-family Yes
      ttf-oxygen, ttf-dejavu No
      ttf-oxygen, ttf-liberation No
      ttf-ubuntu-font-family , ttf-dejavu No
      ttf-oxygen, ttf-ubuntu-font-family, ttf-dejavu No

      If the ttf-oxygen and/or ttf-ubuntu-font-family fonts are the only installed fonts, the bug occurs. If I install the ttf-dejavu or ttf-liberation fonts, the bug disappears, and even oxygen or ubuntu fonts are rendered correctly (so I assume it's no bug of a particular font).

      The ● character always rendered with the same size, but the line height computation doesn't consider this, because the KDE lockscreens textinput field is too low, and some self written test applications had too low textfields or labels. The QT Creator increases the line height anyway.

      It's no KDE plattform integration plugin bug as the bug does also occur in a plain LXQT desktop without any KDE packages installed.


        1. KDE lockscreen.png
          24 kB
          David Kahles
        2. QT Creator big.png
          126 kB
          David Kahles
        3. QT Creator small.png
          112 kB
          David Kahles
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            esabraha Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt
            davidk David Kahles
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