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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-45614

about QtWebEngineProcess.exe bugs in QtWebEngine modules



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Not Evaluated
    • 5.5.0
    • 5.4.1
    • WebEngine
    • None
    • my operating system is windows 8.1(have Qt),
      my other operating system is windows server 2008 and windows 7(no Qt).
    • f5ec28285ab7f71d6d75af963ae499603da6630e


      I meet a problem when i using QWebEngine.My Qt version is Qt5.4.1 for windows 64-bit(vs 2013).
      1.In my VS2013,I can't find QWebEngine modules.Please look picture 1.
      Because of the lack of this modules, I can't write code:#include <QWebEngineView>,It suggest can't open this file.But i use the demo browser it can be used;
      2.In my VS2013. I can't complier the demo project.It suggest can't find file.rhe file name is Webview.moc,but I can get it by QtCreator.
      3.In my computer.I can run the demo browser,but i can't run it in other conputer which no Qt. The browser.exe flash back. By printing log,i find it need QtWebEngineProcess.exe.I put the QtWebEngineProcess.exe in my project.Then I run it, QtWebEngineProcess.exe is stop work.but I install Qt in that computer.the QtWebEngineProcess.exe work.I don't konw why,and the log show QtWebEngineProcess.exe's path is worry.like c:/filename\QtWebEngineProcess.exe.It is not "\",is" /"


        1. debug.log
          4 kB
          rao haocheng
        2. log.txt
          0.5 kB
          rao haocheng
        3. picture2.png
          32 kB
          rao haocheng
        4. picture3.png
          402 kB
          rao haocheng
        5. piture 1.png
          367 kB
          rao haocheng
        6. qt.conf
          0.0 kB
          Michael Bruning
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