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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-47862

Assistant don't start on Win x86 builded by VS2015



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Out of scope
    • P2: Important
    • 5.9
    • 5.5.0
    • Tools: Assistant
    • None
    • Windows x86(!), MSVC 2015


      Debug build:
      1. Start assistant
      2. See assistant main window
      3. Assistant window dissapear
      In debug log I see:

      752124C2  VC service exception: Thread 00000614 is named 'QtDocInstaller' - Shift+Run/Step to pass exception to the program
                Thread 17. (ID 00000614) terminated, exit code 0
      6D048110  New thread 18. (ID 000013B4) created
      6D048110  New thread 19. (ID 0000081C) created
      752124C2  VC service exception: Thread 000013B4 is named 'QHelpContentProvider' - Shift+Run/Step to pass exception to the program
      752124C2  VC service exception: Thread 0000081C is named 'QThread' - Shift+Run/Step to pass exception to the program
                Thread 19. (ID 0000081C) terminated, exit code 0
      6D048110  New thread 20. (ID 00001508) created
                Thread 18. (ID 000013B4) terminated, exit code 0
      752124C2  VC service exception: Thread 00001508 is named 'fulltextsearch::clucene::QHelpS' - Shift+Run/Step to pass exception to the program
                Thread 2. (ID 000007EC) terminated, exit code 1
                Thread 15. (ID 00000140) terminated, exit code 1
                Thread 1. (ID 00001694) terminated, exit code 1
                Thread 16. (ID 00000B70) terminated, exit code 1
                Thread 14. (ID 000014F8) terminated, exit code 1
                Thread 13. (ID 00000368) terminated, exit code 1
                Thread 3. (ID 000012C0) terminated, exit code 1
                Thread 12. (ID 0000142C) terminated, exit code 1
                Thread 11. (ID 00000F44) terminated, exit code 1
                Thread 8. (ID 00000880) terminated, exit code 1
                Debug string: LEAK: 9 CachedResource
                Debug string: LEAK: 1 Frame
                Debug string: LEAK: 190 RenderObject
                Debug string: LEAK: 244 WebCoreNode
                Debug string: LEAK: 1 Page
                Debug string: QObject::~QObject: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread
                Process terminated, exit code 1

      Release build crashes in QT5CLucene module. Above in stack is function QCLuceneIndexWriter::addDocument.

      The problem isn't appears in x64 builds.

      Assistant builds attached.


        1. assistant_debug.exe
          1.59 MB
        2. assistant_release.exe
          1.08 MB
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