Resolution: Done
P2: Important
5.5.0, 5.6.0 Alpha
Linux w/ system XCB and system xkb but bundled xkbcommon
The most visibly affected shortcut is the Ctrl+Plus (Ctrl++) shortcut used to zoom in. To test it:
- Open Qt Creator
- Open a file
- Press Ctrl+Minus (Ctrl+-) to decrease font size
- Press Ctrl+Plus (Ctrl++) to increase font size
The first one works, the second doesn't.
Another test is tests/manual/shortcuts in qtbase. The following shortcuts do not work for me:
- Shift+5
- Ctrl++
- Shift+,
These do:
- Alt+Shift+G
- Ctrl+Shift+R
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R
Note that the ones that work have letters and those that don't have something different. Note especially that Shift+5 = % and Shift+, = <, but the Plus sign is required with shift.
config.summary relevant bits:
XCB .................. yes (system library) EGL on X ........... yes GLX ................ yes MIT-SHM ............ yes Xcb-Xlib ........... yes Xcursor ............ yes (loaded at runtime) Xfixes ............. yes (loaded at runtime) Xi ................. no Xi2 ................ yes Xinerama ........... yes (loaded at runtime) Xrandr ............. yes (loaded at runtime) Xrender ............ yes XKB ................ yes XShape ............. yes XSync .............. yes XVideo ............. yes xkbcommon-x11........... yes (bundled copy, XKB config root: /usr/share/X11/xkb) xkbcommon-evdev......... yes
$ xmodmap xmodmap: up to 4 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses): shift Shift_L (0x32), Shift_R (0x3e) lock Caps_Lock (0x42) control Control_L (0x25), Control_R (0x69) mod1 Alt_L (0x40), Meta_L (0xcd) mod2 Num_Lock (0x4d) mod3 mod4 Super_L (0x85), Super_R (0x86), Super_L (0xce), Hyper_L (0xcf) mod5 ISO_Level3_Shift (0x5c), Mode_switch (0xcb) $ xmodmap -pke | grep plus keycode 21 = equal plus equal plus dead_doubleacute dead_horn dead_doubleacute keycode 126 = plusminus NoSymbol plusminus
Issue Links
- relates to
QTBUG-46861 Shortcut '+' not working
- Closed