Resolution: Out of scope
P3: Somewhat important
I am using dumpcpp to generate the interface of an ActiveX element driving an ultrasound system.
One of the function generated by dumpcpp is
inline bool TTRFReceiver::GetZoneInfo(int zone, int& pStartSample, int& pEndSample, double& pMetersPerSample, double& pTransmitFrequency, double& pFocusDepthCM)
bool qax_result;
void *_a[] =
qt_metacall(QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, 45, _a);
return qax_result;
When I use this function with the suggested dada types I get the error
QAxBase: Error calling IDispatch member GetZoneInfo: Type mismatch in parameter 1
although I definitely use an int as first parameter.
Using other tools to generate the interface results in the parameters
GetZoneInfo(short, short&, short&, double& double&, double&) (short's instead of int's)
This interface works well and is also documented by the vendor of the ActiveX element.
This seems to be a bug of dumpcpp.
Furthermore, dumpcpp ignores the namespace option -n as well as the option -compat. Using these options does not change anything.