With 5.6.1, when having a HTML with an invalid image link (which is e.g. empty) like <img src=""> (full html I used), I get this warning:
Image of format '' blocked because it is not considered safe. If you are sure it is safe to do so, you can white-list the format by setting the environment variable QTWEBKIT_IMAGEFORMAT_WHITELIST=
Have .......................... qtquick qtprintsupport qstyle qttestlib qtpositioning qtsensors xcomposite xrender glx fontconfig sqlite3 Use ........................... tiled_backing_store cross_platform_context_menus libxml2 zlib webp libjpeg libpng plugin_backend_xlib 3d_graphics gstreamer native_fullscreen_video graphics_surface glx leveldb glib Features ...................... fast_mobile_scrolling gesture_events inspector_server legacy_viewport_adaption smooth_scrolling subpixel_layout touch_adjustment view_mode_css_media plugin_architecture_x11 plugin_process