Resolution: Done
Not Evaluated
"Macbook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015)" running OS X 10.11.5
Create a project with something like this as main.qml:
import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true Flickable { anchors.fill: parent onMovingChanged: console.log(moving ? "started moving" : "stopped moving") onMovementStarted: console.log("movement started") onMovementEnded: console.log("movement ended") onDraggingChanged: console.log(dragging ? "started dragging" : "stopped dragging") flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick contentHeight: column.implicitHeight Column { id: column Repeater { model: 20 Text { text: "Item " + index } } } } }
Run the application. Try moving the flickable using the following methods. In each case, observe the console output:
1) Click and drag.
2) hover and scroll using a mouse that has a real, rotating scroll-wheel (i.e. not an apple, 'magic mouse').
3) hover and scroll using a two-finger swipe on the macbook touchpad.
1) Click and drag
qml: started dragging qml: started moving qml: movement started qml: stopped dragging qml: stopped moving qml: movement ended
2) Physical scroll wheel
qml: started moving qml: movement started qml: stopped moving qml: movement ended
3) Two-finger swipe gesture on trackpad
qml: started dragging qml: started moving qml: movement started qml: stopped dragging qml: started dragging qml: stopped dragging
For both the click-and-drag and physical scroll wheel, the moving property is set back to false when the flickable stops moving. However, with the two-finger gesture, it says, "movement started", but never, "movement ended". There is also a second pair of, "started dragging", "stopped dragging" at the end of the gesture/movement. Any code which depends on the moving property is left in the wrong state forever.
Issue Links
- duplicates
QTBUG-53177 Flickable: when flicking quickly with the Apple Trackpad, when it hits the end, it bounces twice
- Closed